Extreme Stars
This program tells the story of how stars were engineered by the Universe and how Stars then went on to engineer everything else in that very universe. We'll learn how nuclear fusion in the core of these stars keeps them burning for billions of years and is what powers our nearest star 'the sun'. They transformed the Universe by spawning further generations of stars, then planets and eventually the building blocks of life itself. We will follow the life-cycle of stars from 'red giants' like our own sun that die leaving beautiful 'planetary nebula', to massive 'red supergiants' which die young in violent events called supernovae, creating elements from the gold in our wedding rings to the iron in our blood.--------------------
출처 : 봄봄과학
글쓴이 : 행복만땅15 원글보기
메모 :
'사는 이야기 > 과학 동영상' 카테고리의 다른 글
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